In The Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy, our intrepid travelers have found the legendary planet Magarathea, where Zaphod, tells the group, "the Magaratheans lived most of their lives underground" There was no overpopulation or pollution, "they just didn't like [the surface] very much". So thus Zaphod, Ford and Trillion head underground to see what they can find. Later Trillian "was reminded unavoidably of the London Underground, though it was less thoroughly squalid" [Chapter 20].
I knew the Magatheans lived underground when I made my inchies before I started on my quest to find all the words, so I didn't realize I was using Trillian's (in the book) idea about the London underground. Keep in mind I live in Canada where we call the Underground a Subway, and there is no subway in my city.
I really was quite stumped for a while in considering what I could quill that would represent underground. I drew a little picture of things that grow underground
and there was my inspiration.
I've always wanted to live in Toronto where they have subways. I have a friend who lives there and he hates the subway and often walks long distances to avoid them at rush hour. Guess the grass is always greener...
Have a great week. Maybe hiding underground would protect us from all this intense heat we are getting.
I also wanted to say how much I appreciate your comments. They delight me and I look forward every week to reading them. Thank you.