Monday, 26 January 2015

Every Inchie Monday: talk

Hello Folks,

Hope I didn't lose anyone, as I accidently deleted my post.  It was only up for about 2 minutes, but I know Zoe is really fast on getting to the posts.

This week's word at Every Inchie Monday is talk.  This one was a toughie.  It is difficult to visualize abstract concepts.

I decided to play a rebus game with you.  I used to love these puzzles when I was a supply teacher.  They always kept the students occupied.

So, if this

is "I understand", then what is this?

Or maybe this one is clearer.  Or maybe less so.  My friend says the second one is better, but I couldn't decide, so you get them both.  Any guesses?

And I'm still quilling.  It is so difficult to use those 1/8" pieces of paper on the side.  I really admire the work of someone like Sabeena Karnik.

Hope you have lots of people to talk to this week, and that you have amazing things to say.

Friday, 23 January 2015

Diva Challenge 201: "Moebius Syndrome Awareness Day 2015"

Hi Folks,

Over at I am the Diva it is "Moebius Syndrome Awareness Day 2015". 

We are all contributing this week in honour of this syndrome and of Laura's son Artoo.

I have concentrated only on the Moebius logo.  I've used Laura's tangle "Artoo", which I adore, and some heart tangles, as well as the colour purple, to offer love and support to her and her family.

Have a happy week.

Monday, 19 January 2015

Every Inchie Monday: Elephant

Hi Folks,

Another lovely animal this week at Every Inchie Monday.  This time we have Elephant and I'm expecting to see some adorable ones, just like we did with giraffes.

My drawing inchie again comes from a picture I found on Google.  I love the way Elephants have a built in shower function.

Does anyone else remember elephant jokes from their childhood?  My favourite was always: Q:  'How do you hide an elephant in a cherry tree?'  A:  'You paint its toenails red'.  There were lots of equally silly jokes like that.  So my elephant has red toe nails.
I'm still working on my quilling.  I do like those jiggly eyes.
Wishing you enormous good things this week.

Tuesday, 13 January 2015

Diva 200: Bi-zen-tennial

It's I am the Diva's 200th challenge.  Woohoo.  We are to use our go-to pattern to fill the tile and include the number 200.

I don't really have a go-to pattern, but I do have a number of ones I like a lot.  So I chose to use Well.  I love the way the curved lines turn into shapes - it's always so surprising.  Then there is the number of ways you can decorate the shapes.

This one is quite simple, designed so that you can see the pattern fairly well. 

I missed last week due to illness, but am feeling well now (all those wells) and hopefully can participate again.

Have a spectacular week.

Monday, 12 January 2015

Every Inchie Monday: Giraffe

Hello Folks,

I love all the animals that are on this year's list for Every Inchie Monday. 

My first inchie is a couple of giraffes based on a cartoon I saw on Google.

I'm going to try to include a quilled inchie this year.  I don't know how long this will last, or how successful I will be, but I do like my giraffe.  Still a little wonky, but getting better.  I like the silly eyes.

Have a silly week - it's more fun that way.

Monday, 5 January 2015

Every Inchie Monday: Egg

Hello Friends,

Welcome to 2015!

A little later today than usual (which is often 12:01 a.m.).  Hadn't scanned/photographed my image earlier in the week as I usually do.

This week's word at Every Inchie Monday is egg, appropriate for the first meal/breakfast/first week of the year.

I'm not particularly happy with this scan.  The original is very bright and sparkly, as a ruby and gold (like Zoe's) Fabergé egg should be.  Funny we chose the same colours.

My second offering is my first attempt at quilling.  It's supposed to be a soft boiled egg with the top off, in a blue egg holder.  It's a little crooked, but after 4 or 5 attempts I gave up seeking perfection.   I kept wanting to use too much paper for the inchie size.  I think I should have tried once more, from scratch instead of using my failed attempts and trying to fix it, because it lacks the smooth curves the first attempt with all the paper had.  Oh well, better next time.

Have an egg-stravagant first week of the year.