Monday 19 October 2015

Every Inchie Monday: Yogurt

Hello Fellow Inchers,

For Every Inchie Monday the word is...Yogurt.  Yuch.   I can't stand yogurt.  The texture does me in every time I try and force my self to eat what I know is good for me.  I don't think I've ever had frozen Yogurt either, but I understand it is supposed to taste like ice cream?

My quilled version is a frozen Yogurt cone.  It's one of my first 3 dimensional creations:

Keep warm this week.  It's been snowing in parts of Southern Ontario.


  1. Congratulations on dimensional creations! Love your inchies LOL I love yogurt and I love snow. We've already pulled the air conditioner out.

  2. Great inchies, well done on your 3D one.

  3. Great inchies, well done on your 3D one.

  4. SNOW?!! EEEghads! It's been cool here, but still into the 80s. I like your dimensional cone, it's adorable. I believe if you want a frozen dessert, might as well make it full-on ice cream; none of this bogus fat-free, sugar-free whatevers. I like vanilla with butterscotch and cashews on top. Hmm, I think we're out of ice cream. Have a brilliant, warm day! c

  5. Terrific and fun inchie..

    Amazing 3D creation

    Love Chrissie xx

  6. love the 3D inchie, and yes froyo, or frozen yogurt is great! Better than yogurt alone.

  7. I had to laugh at your first one and I love the second one. I feel that way about Greek yogurt, but I love regular yogurt and frozen yogurt too.

  8. Snow already? It can wait a bit in my opinion ;-)
    Love your yogurt inchies.

  9. Love them both. And I'm with you on the dislike of yoghurt, although for me, it's the sourness. Yech.

  10. I love yoghurt but your inchie is really funny ;-) The second one is also very nice!
