While it isn't totally tangled, this is a response to Joey's weekly tangle #11, Summer Night Sky. I had the most sublime experience this week coming out of night school and 10 o'clock at night. The temperature was perfect, with a light breeze, the sky was just amazing: crisp and clear. The stars sparkled and there was a tiny sliver of moon. Near the horizon the sky was a pale blue which gradually darkened higher up. I felt very small and very lucky to see such a wonderful sky. So although it's still technically spring, this is my response to that night. There are some tangles in there - the stars are a variation of Afterglo, and I'm sure the wall has a name, but I don't know what it is. The cats just asked to be put in there. Hope you can see the sparkly of the jelly pen on the stars.
Oh, how lovely!