Monday, 18 August 2014

Every Inchie Monday: Quick

This week's word at Every Inchie Monday is quick.  It's a great word because there are lots of different meanings: fast, intelligent, part of the fingernail,  the living (as opposed to the dead).  There's even a hockey player named Jonathan Quick.  I thought of quicksilver (mercury).  But, with a slight change of spelling, I decided to go with something from my childhood.  I used to love putting heaping spoonfuls of that powder into my milk to get the chocolaty  flavour.  Yummy.

(Sing with me).    N-E-S-T-L-E-S, Nestles makes the very best -- chooooocolate. 

I don't know if this product is world wide, or just North American, so go here to see a vintage commercial.  The song, with Farfel the dog, comes at the 40 second mark.

Have a delicious week.


  1. Brilliant! I used to drink that.

    Love Chrissie x

  2. I used to love quick as well. I actually used to at the powder plain. LOl great job on the inchie

  3. Oh, yummo! Mmmmmmm, now I feel like going to the shop for a Quick. Thank you, thank you, thank you! :)

  4. I don't know the song but I know the drink. Great inchie!

  5. The song is not one I know but my niece that lives in France drinks nesquick :-)


  6. Oh, I did sing right along with you, right down to the choooooocolllllateee :) Love it!

  7. Kia, that is an awesome depiction!! I never would've thought of that! But I too, enjoyed drinking that as a kid. Yummmmmmmmmeeeeeee!!! Have a great week! :0) Share Humanity

  8. Oh yes that is a nice one. I think today it is Nesquick. Yumme.
